
Cultivating a grand and deep sense of appreciation and gratitude for life, for all the amazing opportunities and experiences I’ve had. For all the adventures, for all the blessings – outright and in disguise! I am super grateful that i have had all this time to really dive into myself. I am grateful that I’ve had such a great support system. I am grateful that I get to live in Australia. I am happy and alive. I have a capable working body. I am attractive and able to interact with others easily. I am grateful to have this mind that I am blessed with – clear and precise. I am thankful for my emotions and all that I’ve learned through experiencing them. I am thankful for the friends I have had  in the past as well as those in the present! I am grateful that I get to laugh and cry! I am appreciative that synchronicities happen in my life and that I can recognize them. I am thankful that I have a good working vehicle to get me around. I am thankful that I have nice updated clothes to wear. I am grateful for the love I have experienced in the past and for the love that I’ll enjoy now and later.

May 2011