What We Experience…

taking things on as our own…

so what we experience is only that…
it isnt ours its just what we do
its what we see
its what we taste
its what we hear
its what we feel
its what we think about
but none of it is ours…
nothing really belongs here or there
it just is…
so if this is the case…which i believe it is at this moment
then everything is accessible
confirming that nothing is personal… its all incredibly impersonal
so if thats the case… just enjoy whats there at that time
enjoy it for what it is… but know it has no owner
its for all to share, to love, to experience…


by releasing ourselves of who we were in the past and also releasing family members of who they were in the past, we are all allowed to move on in a peaceful manner… the more i hold them to who i think they used to be they do the same… i know i am different and i realize its a breath of fresh air to have a person, even moreso, a family member, come in with fresh eyes… always changing, constantly changing… them, us, we… all… allowing the moment to be… and it is a joyous one when i come with fresh eyes and a heart of love…