Random Notes on a New Year’s Morning

Random Notes scribed in my journal on a New Year’s Morning somewhere near Santa Cruz:


Be in the place where you can see the most blue skies… where you can get lost in the clouds.

Blue skies like when you are in love…

BE where you feel the most love!

IT all relates to following your bliss, do what makes you happiest and brings you love!

It’s all about the love in all things…

IT should come naturally! 

You know you are in your right place when you aren’t wearing any masks and your arms are open and you’re embracing your surrounding space…

Choose the best! The best that fits you so you can be your very best you… where you understand… know the truth, be honest!

Always strive for truth… that IS the truth! 

Wind blows, clouds swirl, sun casts rainbows, twists and turns, rolls and expands, dissipates and moves along. 

“treading uphill in a slippery bag trying to find my shoes” 

I love the warm winter sun on my cheek.

I’ve missed the great and expansive Pacific Ocean… I love California and it’s majestic and diverse coast… 

I am blessed and thoroughly grateful to be here.

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