
Build Metta

the more love and kindness the better!

Don’t stop believing

continue to practice

challenge old paradigms



experience the spectrum!



spread my wings


Communal support

be a part of what is

be there

be here



Cultivating talents

confronting fears

transcending “reality”

new prespective

altered lenses

changing, changing, changing.

clearning the mind

feeling all sensation

wash, wash, wash

start again


choose what you’d like…

look for synchronicity

experience it



Let Go


Uncertainty about the future

never really comfortable

staying in the moment

as best as possible

in a foreign land

relying on foreign funds

to sustain me and my life

not allowed to legally work

a luxurious prison of my own making

paradisical for sure

spending time as I choose

I just can’t shake the worry.

the worry about how money will come my way

ones step at a time

on day

one moment

finding the balance of staying in the present

whilst planning for the future…

Mother Nature’s Flower

A sweet love



daisies and roses

thorns yes.

lovely fragrance yes.

beauty yes.

blooming to be showcased

to be experienced

then to wither

and bit by bit have it’s beauty removed

by nature

by the elements

the inconsiderate

impersonal elements of mother nature

she knows best apparently

and she’ll rob one of its beauty, youth


she’ll take it all.

so enjoy whatever it is…




Emotional Ride

Dealing with all that I manifest

an emotional ride

high highs

sudden drops

full upside down loops

super fast

then over…

get in line

let’s go again

perhaps there’ll even be a photo-

a bit of evidence of the fear

the rush… the excitement

hold on tight

do I dare raise my hands in the air?

or just hold tight

and SCREAM!!

Ask for Love

I ask for love

torrential and unwaivering love

of full hearts and blind eyes

of loyalty that stories are written about

I want to feel the depths of emotion

to grow and evolve with another person…

I ask for all of this –

and I will get it.

I get what I ask for

it doesn’t always feel warm and fuzzy

mostly it doesn’t these days

with a deep thick pain in my chest

enveloping and encompassing my heart space



with a pinch in my throat and with tears just about to fall…

Is this the love I ask for?

How am I to know?

How am I to know

if this is real

or just a dream

a dream of “reality”

of the shared unconscious

perhaps all created by my mind

a world chock full of MY


of MY


Am I waking?

Am I awake?

or am I peacefully sleeping with anxiety?

A paradox so it may seem

but anxiety about what happens next

never really knowing how the story will go

or what will be around the inevitable corner

it all leaves me on edge

even in meditation

I still want to know…

and now…?