Journal Entry Sunday January 4, 2009

I awoke this morning with an overwhelming sense of oneness with all people – that I’m just like everyone else and, in turn, they are all just like me. Everyone is the same. Its just what we do that differentiates us – but everyone has the ability to be something – its just how much they li8sten to that inner voice as to how far and in what direction they go. Most of that was all predetermined before we got here anyway – just like I chose my particular family so I could learn the lessons about love, patience and being in my life. I used to think that wasn’t something that I chose, but the environment I did choose, how others reacted and how that environment changed- as a child- I didnt’ have control – Of course, in the end and alwatys really – all I can do is be me – do what makes me my best – I have control over my self and my life – and if I choose to go a different route – if I decide to listen to my soul a little more than others to guide me – then so be it 🙂 It is my way – the way I find best suits me – I think that everyone is like this but just not everyone realizes it, accepts it and uses it to better themselves, their soul, in this small amount of time we have in this life…

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